A S S A L A A M U 'A L A I K U M
pEAcE b UntO U
R A B B I L 'A L A M I N
All prAIsEs And thAnks dUE tO AllAh,
lOrd Of thE wOrlds
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Gene Sha Rudyn 2001
E-mail: genesharudyn@hotmail.com
last updated 25 December 2001
the safe
on record
first degree
of a feather
word on the street
rap sheet
the next hit
writing on the wall
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100 - tilldeathdouspart - An Essay
099 - Segi Tiga
098 - Vacancy
097 - Sya'ir Singapura 99
096 - Sakura
095 - Tokyo Star
094 - Eyes
093 - Full-dressed Rehearsal
092 - Sumimasen (or Shibuya Train)
091 - Yokohama Train
090 - Shibuya
089 - Slave
088 - Tourists
087 - Prodigal Bastard
086 - Tug-of-love
085 - Sleep
084 - Gua Punya Kampung
083 - Buah Cempedak Di Luar Pagar
082 - Let's Make Some Noise For Silence
081 - 2
080 - Death And Life
079 - Whom Do Those Belong To
078 - SQ 12 Now Boarding
077 - An Estranged Man's Lament
076 - Lullaby
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075 - Displaced
074 - Pangsa Pasung
073 - Bibir
072 - I Know
071 - Tari
070 - Flame Of The Forest
069 - Kesatuan
068 - Nakhoda
067 - laineD
066 - Pukul Tiga Pagi
065 - Bougainvillea
064 - Mawar
063 - Lily Of The Valley
062 - Ahad
061 - Guppies In Drains
060 - (Ain't Got) The Blues
059 - Aftermath
058 - Frangipanni
057 - Bunga Raya (Balada Putera Singapura)
056 - Headache
055 - The Crutch And The Cripple
054 - I For Aye
053 - Appari-vision
052 - Hardy, Sherry And Paul (Mahadi, Sharifah And Saiful)
051 - So Much For One Kiss
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050 - I Beg Your Pardon
049 - Cry
048 - One-two-six
047 - Kylee
046 - Lagu Untuk Anne
045 - Rainwater
044 - I
043 - Executive Guts
042 - Coffee Cup
041 - Non-sense
040 - The Hunger
039 - Do You Love Me
038 - Who
037 - I Don't Want To Marry Your Parents
036 - The Reason
035 - Common Man
034 - Always Wrong
033 - Far Car Mary Car
032 - Me And My Woman
031 - Melayu
030 - If I Could Find A Way
029 - Nak Cakap Apa
028 - Suatu Malam (a.k.a. Hakisan Maruah)
027 - An Orchestra Symphony
026 - Percussion
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025 - A Breeze
024 - Infatuation
023 - Sha And Sue Again
022 - Sesia
021 - Bosan
020 - Say That You Will Always Be My Woman
019 - Guardian Angel
018 - Lihatlah, Dengarlah (or Buta, Pekak, Pincang)
017 - Rainbow
016 - (Do It) With You
015 - Nora
014 - Lovers
013 - The Perfect Woman
012 - But,…
011 - Go For It
010 - Sha And Sue
009 - Thank You
008 - I'm Infatuated With You, Classmate
007 - The Cool Fool
006 - Nurun Nisa
005 - Highway of Sin
004 - Sounds Of The Night
003 - Riza
002 - Amnah
001 - Imeldawati
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100 - t i l l d e a t h d o u s p a r t -in- B r a i n S t o r m (what's that in your head?)
AN ESSAY by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 11 Sep 1999
Based on an original concept by Toby Huynh; Developed by Gene Sha Rudyn with Azmy Hassan; Performed by Gene Sha Rudyn and Azmy Hassan; Music by Azmy Hassan with Gene Sha Rudyn
note: This essay does not seek to explain the work. It is an abbreviated journal and, to some degree, explores the process involved.
When TOBY HUYNH first approached me with her idea, my naïve response was "What the f**k is Necrophilia?" For the benefit of those like myself in that instance, it may be described as sexual attraction to dead human bodies. It is classified as a perversion because the practice of having sexual intercourse with a cadaver is an anomaly.
However, the subject was not enticing enough for me. And too sensationalist. The justification came in the form of her desire to explore "what kind of relationship would bring about such an act. And what if there were no perverted obsession? What if it were borne out of the love of the living person for the dead person?" This was where I took over when Toby decided she could not continue on the project. Directorially speaking, this is what 'tilldeathdouspart' looks at - the monologous relationship between a living person and a dead person; the difference at this point being that when Toby took her leave from the project, so did Necrophilia.
Had Toby stayed on as Director, there would have been pairs of performers - one living and one 'dead' in each pair. Due to my lack of confidence and lack of experience in directing movement pieces involving other performers, I told FARAH ONG (The other performer at that time, although rehearsals had not even commenced.) I would go at it on my own.
[I would like to add at this point that had we been given a more open and receptive community to perform in, I would certainly have tried to 'collaborate' with a cadaver.]
For the same main reason that I wanted to work with Farah on this project, I picked the other 'performers', and that is 'familiarity'. In projects past, I have worked with raw food items - pandan leaves, tomatoes, long beans, cabbages, bananas, radishes, winter melons, water melons, beef, chicken, live goat (hehehe! No joke!). Mangosteens are a first for me.
The choice of mangosteens, pandan leaves and water melon has to do with the performance venue - Singapore Art Museum. For example, squeezed mangosteen skin oozes a deep red pigment that sometimes dries to a brown - just like blood. They leave the most vivid and lasting marks on the canvas. Scent is probably the most sensitive of the senses and smashed mangosteen skin, pandan leaves, water melon and chicken are aromatically scarring.
And so we have the monkey-boy-in-a-skirt and his toys in the foreground, and the Singapore Art Museum corridor outside Gallery 9 overlooking the famous-among-weekend-footballers Bras Basah Road field in the background. In principle, this is no different from any painting hung in any gallery - subject against landscape. (Or in the 'Art & Craft Corner' of any pre-school nursery, for that matter.) It needed depth. Another dimension. Not just another line, but an organic one that breathes, lives and dies with the piece.
AZMY HASSAN's music is not incidental. And far from ornamental. Spatial. It is music that you can see in your mind and feel in your soul - those parts of the brain that are unseen. I saw him as the perfect partner in this relationship. We both already believe that the essence of collaboration is 'love'.
In preparation, there is training and rehearsing. Training refers to general individual and ensemble preparation - exercising, practicing, etc; while rehearsing refers to specific individual and ensemble preparation that has direct relation to the piece. In addition, we also took a meditational approach. Simply put, we meet, talk over coffee and cigarettes, and walk away with the piece in the back of our minds from then on. As such, the brain is constantly pondering over the piece. It is a state of being ONE with the piece.
At the rehearsal, all hell breaks loose as we throw our five-cents-worth into the ring in a controlled chaos. There is no room for evaluation within this. Afterwards, another kind of hell breaks loose as the dust settles and all seems clearer upon hindsight when we start peeling through the rehearsal session with brutal criticism. Between the two of us, we must have gone through thirty musical instruments and revamped the structure at least five times in the space of ten rehearsal sessions including two full-dressed rehearsals.
When it gets comfortable, it becomes stale. Or worse, it dies. This necessitates destroying and rebuilding (in the most extreme cases), or a spanner throw in the works (as is more often the case), or just some out-of-nowhere idea. Some of the more far-out ideas we had come up with have been to use a cello (which Azmy unfortunately cannot play…hahaha!), wear trunks and snorkels for the performance (Just how did I expect to sing with those?), perform in a sandpit along the corridor (And our mode of transport to the corridor for the sand would be…?), ask the audience to eat the mangosteens and scatter the skin around the canvas (hmm…?), have a big Jam Session at the end with twenty audience members onstage, each playing an instrument (As if a Singaporean audience would do that with Singaporean performers. Let's not talk about PELU.).
In ten performances, we go through a performance cycle. Within each performance, we go through cycles which are, each, its own. It is organic. ALIVE.
As far as fusing 'ethnic' with 'modern' (the only thing mentioned about the piece in the Strait Times) in the collaboration, it is not so much an innovation as it is an embrace. It is nothing new for it has been done before on many occasions in many parts of the world. (Some of our personal inspirations include Miles, Coltrane, Nusrat and Zakir.)
peace, gene sha rudyn
11 Sep 1999
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T h e N e c e s s a r y S t a g e
B r a i n S t o r m (what's that in your head?)
50 artists and 14 events at unexpected spaces in the Singapore Art Museum! Drama meets dance, movement, video, installation and the visual arts. Sat 28/8 - Sun 29/8, 8pm. Thu 2/9 - Sun 5/9, 8pm. Thu 9/9 - Sun 12/9, 8pm Singapore Art Museum. Tix at $25 include a free drink from HU'U Bar.
The Necessary Stage Ltd, ONE-TWO-SIX Cairnhill Arts Centre, 126 Cairnhill Road, Singapore 229707, Tel: 65-7386355, Fax: 65-7322931, Tix: 65-7332716, www.necessary.org
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099 - SEGI TIGA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 24 Jan 1999
Bila aku melucutkan tabir kau
Bila aku menatap bibir di bawah kumis tiga-segi kau
Bila aku mengkupas kelupak senyuman kau
Bila aku membasahi kekeringan gusi bogeh kau
Bila aku membelai mata pusat kau
Bila aku membanjiri tenggorokan punggung kau
Bila aku lintang-pukang berkeliaran
Bila kau bergetar menggenggam rambut
Bila kau menjerit kenafsuan
Bila kau terisak-isak pernafasan
Bila kau kejung membelakangkan
Bila kau dakap telinga dengan pepaha
Cinta aku kesampaian
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098 - VACANCY by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 15 Jan 1999
In my heart is a plot
where we used to keep a garden
where flowers used to grow
and trees blocked the sun
and the scent was that of grass
and the dew that washed our feet
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097 - SYAIR SINGAPURA 99 by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 23 Dec 1998
In the name of God, the most Merciful,
And the most Gracious. Allah Almighty.
For this time we have, we are most grateful,
Only with His will. All Rightness is He.
- - -
Once, so long ago, Southeast Sumatra,
In a time of myths, legends and heroes,
Two babies were born, Singha Pendita,
Sampeyan Malang followed where he goes.
- - -
Singha Pendita descended from kings,
Sampeyan Malang, loyal common folk.
They were best of friends, the joy all that brings.
Day in and day out, they laugh and they joke.
- - -
They grew up so strong and so full of flight.
Each had hopes and dreams, driving ambition.
What was to follow was beyond their sight.
A twist in the tale, a change in mission.
- - -
With threat of attack, defence was the word.
To protect his life, unite the strongest.
They gathered supplies to journey forward.
To reach the ocean, they braved the forest.
- - -
Seeking a new life, they sailed out to sea.
Leaving history, home and family.
The sea, now disturbed, fought to remedy.
Replied with anger, blood-starved fury.
- - -
Singha Pendita, his rights sacrificed.
Sampeyan Malang, loyalty strengthened.
Peaceful Temasek, they were to, enticed,
And restored spirits the storm had weakened.
- - -
Sands, white as the stars; soil, fertile and green.
Flowers and colours bask in her glory.
As if to welcome a fate as foreseen,
They were greeted by a beast, so mighty.
- - -
He spoke of justice and equality.
A land for all man, from near and afar.
Marking this birth of nation and country,
What was Temasek was Singapura.
- - -
Before his vision betrayed destiny,
Singha Pendita left Singapura.
Evidence of all inborn royalty
Northwest, he became heart of Melaka.
- - -
And so it is said in stories of old.
Ancient heritage of yours and of mine.
A weight equal to his own heart's in gold,
A diamond in dirt will still cast its shine.
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096 - SAKURA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Narita, Japan, 16 Jul 1998
As they walked in the room
Filled with tension and gloom,
Neither knew what to expect.
Then, in each other's eyes,
And to both a surprise,
Passion and fate would connect.
- - -
When they drank and they supped,
Each one the other cupped,
Laughter would hold hearts within.
When they started to dance,
(Yet, could destiny chance?)
Gut-smiles to spread, they begin.
- - -
By the lake in the park
In the chill of the dark,
Conversing, minds they exchanged.
But the night was too cold
And their passion, too bold.
Combustion left them deranged.
- - -
Then there was nothing more.
Her time, he would chase for.
All he need say was "Good-bye".
He was out of right mind.
She stayed off of the line.
Left him numb, wondering, "Why?"
- - -
Though he fought for a while,
In his thoughts was her smile,
Wishing he wanted to know.
Now, she was far away.
With her, he could not stay.
Something he did, did her so.
- - -
So he sat in Narita in cherry blossom tears
Drenching his spirit in white
Assuming he realized her most primal fears
With something that happened that night.
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095 - TOKYO STAR by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 14 Jul 1998
Seven years in search of an imagination
Plundering impetuous hallucination
Inokashira Line,
Jiggle butt, tingle spine
Silencing the need of helpless imperfection
- - -
Witnessing the human crossing through Shibuya
Skipping local trains to get to Yokohama
Stepping down ST Spot
Hand-given vacant plot
Leaving memories of when I'll miss Osaka
You're a Tokyo star, a dancer by far, Tokyo star
I know that you know, when you do my Butoh, Tokyo star
Ogikubo introduction to reaction
Nishi-ogikubo tempura connection
Cabbages at my feet
Tail-boning downward heat
Stamping marks on masters on initiation
- - -
Back to front in one miracle in a million
Contact in no contact in whole-y communion
Spitting into the throat
Smashing the rocking boat
Otsukarasama deshta, mild opinion
You're a Tokyo star, a dancer by far, Tokyo star
I know that you know, when you do my Butoh, Tokyo star
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094 - EYES by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 3 Jul 1998
You were in the audience.
You are too thousand-miles away.
But you were in the theatre.
Those piercing eyes.
It does not matter that the seats were empty.
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093 - FULL-DRESSED REHEARSAL by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 3 Jul 1998
It happened so fast.
What happened?
I was lost.
I was so sure what to do.
I was confused.
I saw everything clearly.
Now, I cannot remember.
I was tense.
There was a lot of tension.
In the midst of it I stood.
I had no control.
What had control over me?
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092 - SUMIMASEN (or Shibuya Train) by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan 2 Jul 1998
Please, excuse me, I did not mean to
Step on you
Lean against you
Push you
Knock you
Bump you
Elbow you
Shoulder you
Poke you
Pinch you
Stare at you
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091 - YOKOHAMA TRAIN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Jul 1998
and I lose myself in fantasy
- - -
I see your eyes in the flickering light
each flicker a flutter
I feel your breath in the air-con breeze
caressing my body heat
I touch your hand on the cushion seat
cupping and squeezing my cheeks
- - -
and I lose myself in fantasy
- - -
your heart beats on my spine as the wheels trample on the tracks
you whisper in my ear as the wind seeps through the cracks
- - -
and I lose myself in fantasy
- - -
their conversation, musical background
their odour, Indian incense
their laughter, children's playground
my imagination, intense
- - -
and I lose myself in fantasy
- - -
until my stop, it is where you will find me
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090 - SHIBUYA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Jul 1998
And as he walks the streets at night
Looks to the left and to the right
At all the fires
Basic desires
Of ready wings outstretched for flight
- - -
And as he reads a neon sign
A crowd has made a curving line
Around this youth
To speak the truth
Suggestion aids un-open minds
- - -
And as he asks directions for
A bite, a drink, but nothing more
The touts don't smile
The girls beguile
His simple needs did merely bore
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089 - SLAVE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 1 Jul 1998
I am lost in a mire of anxiety.
I walk in a maze of confusion.
I worry.
Who do you sleep with while I am gone?
Who do you think of when you do?
Do I deserve your singular faithfulness?
Have I earned enough respect?
Will you be there for my return?
Are you waiting for somebody else?
Have you been with someone else?
You have my respect.
You have my faithfulness.
You share my mind with my other self.
You enter every other thought.
You appear in every other dream.
You guide every other wish.
You only leave me freedom of choice.
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088 - TOURISTS by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 30 Jun 1998
We roll down the tracks.
The neighbourhood slips by.
Then the next neighbourhood.
And the next.
We are moving so fast but are still on this land.
We have gone so far yet have not escaped.
We are quick and much too slow.
We are industrious and useless.
We devour inconsequentially.
And leave our paw prints in the soil.
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087 - PRODIGAL BASTARD by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 29 Jun 1998
This is my home
Where I belong
I am invading no one's space
Every place I go is mine
Everywhere, I look from my perspective
Every moment, I am taking my time
I desire no change in my environment
I require no contact with anyone
I need express nothing
My home cannot be where my heart is
My heart is where my home is
My soul is where my heart is
My mind is a prodigal vagabond bastard
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086 - TUG-OF-LOVE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 29 Jun 1998
When you are away, I miss you.
When you are with me, I ignore you.
When you are away, I want you with me.
When I ignore you, I want you gone.
When you are away, I yearn for you.
I want you away to want your return.
This way goes our tug-of-love.
When you pull away, I pull you back.
When you let go, I fall.
When I let go, I am lost.
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085 - SLEEP by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 27 Jun 1998
In my time of dying
let me swim in the eternal ocean
of your eyes
that I may roast in the warmth
of your heart
and lose myself in the infinity
of your mind
- - -
With my last breaths
let me enlung the strength
from under your arms and breasts
that my soles may take root
where I now lie
- - -
In my resting place
drape your limbs over me
crunching tears from my eyes
and semen from my soul
that I may rest assured
I have reason to return
- - -
In my ending sight
smile my both eyes blind
that I may only hypothesize hypocrisy
in your heart
- - -
In this finality
release me
and let me rest in your peace
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084 - GUA PUNYA KAMPUNG by Gene Sha Rudyn Tokyo, Japan, 26 Jun 1998
Dekat Jalan Pagak
Ada ayam bertenggek atas dahan pokok mangga berkokok pukul sepuluh malam pasal nampak hantu tak ada kepala
Ada itik kaki tepok pasal kecik-kecik sudah kena campak dalam air
Ada angsa terlepas kena kejar anjing orang tinggalkan bila pindah rumah flet
Ada mat steamer hilang tiga bulan kena tarik dengan polis masa tengah berdengung depan Balai Rakyat orang talipon
Ada sekolah makan P.A.P. depan rumah dalam Balai Rakyat tak ada bell-ring
Ada bilal Masjid Alkaff dua puluh minit jalan kaki dari rumah bang kuat sampai orang terkejut ingat Subuh dunia kiamat
Ada budak main sembunyik-sembunyik pukul dua sampai maghrib pasang lengit menangis balik bilang mak
Ada posmen naik Vespa wheelie setengah tiang lampu surat-surat tak tebalik
Ada mata air Jepun bikin masa paip air go'ment tutup orang beratur setengah padang bola bawak baldi
Ada kolam air Jepun bikin air warna hijau banyak lumut budak-budak mandi bogel tangkap ikan keli dengan ikan aruan
Ada longkang budak-budak buat tambak pasir tahan air tangkap Rainbow Fish
Ada gelanggang silat dengan pondok tengah-tengah hutan bawah pokok kelapa
Ada satu saja anak-beranak Cina kedai Ah Leng boleh beli taucu
Ada budak-budak main sembunyik-sembunyik sembahyang Terawih dengar papan long bunyik cabot balik Cuma sembahyang bila Hari Raya aja
Ada pokok jambu batu, mangga, betik, kelapa, ciku, rambutan, mata kucing, sentol, buah mentega, jambu air, jambu mawar, belimbing, gajus, durian, manggis, panjat petik sendiri kalau nak
Ada kenduri Uncle aku meninggal
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083 - BUAH CEMPEDAK DI LUAR PAGAR by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 26 Jun 1998
Mak, Udin nak ice-cream.
Mak, Udin nak duit.
Mak, Udin nak kerja.
Mak, Udin nak jadi architect.
Mak, Udin nak pergi Oxford.
Mak, Udin nak pergi Hwa Chong.
Mak, Udin nak pergi R.I.
Mak, Udin nak empat 'A'.
Mak, Udin nak belajar.
Mak, Udin nak kawan.
Mak, Udin nak main-main.
Mak, Udin nak ice-cream.
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082 - LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE FOR SILENCE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 26 Jun 1998
The silence is deafening.
I long for some sound.
Some noise.
My burp is too discomforting.
My fart is too annoying.
My defecation, too disgusting.
My breath is too silent.
My heart beats too gentle tremors.
My mind is too noisy for this silence.
How can I have a right to remain silent?
Should I make sound?
Should I make noise?
What sound?
For whom?
What gives me the right to destroy the silence?
Did silence do this to me?
Did I do this by being silent?
Is this silence?
Is this my definition of silence?
Am I being silent?
Could I be silent?
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081 - 2 by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 25 Jun 1998
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080 - DEATH AND LIFE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Tokyo, Japan, 25 Jun 1998
I have the desire
I have not the means
Wherefrom desire
Why not means
I desire the means to my desire
To desire is to be unfulfilled
To desire the means is to be disabled
To desire is to be unsatisfied
To desire the means is to be dissatisfied
To not desire is to die
To die is to leave life
To be one with nothingness
To be nothingness is to be everywhere and nowhere
everything and nothing
all and none
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079 - WHOM DO THOSE BELONG TO by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 23 Jun 1998
Whom do those eyes belong to?
Whom do those lips belong to?
Whom do those necklines belong to?
Whom do those breasts belong to?
Whom do those hips belong to?
Whom do those cheeks belong to?
Whom do those thighs belong to?
Whom do those calves belong to?
Whom do those ankles belong to?
My eyes alone?
Or my blind desires?
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078 - SQ 12 NOW BOARDING by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 23 Jun 1998
in her womb
soft muzak
to kiss the sun
to touch the sky
to be alive
but my head explodes
my mind gathers the pieces
o, my heart
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077 - AN ESTRANGED MAN'S LAMENT by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1 Mar 1998
When you from me are away
I'm blinded lost in the day
Confused and cold in the heart
Amok, I nervously dart
There's a spot on the beach in East Coast
Where about some sea creatures I wrote
But the sand turned to grey
And things grew by the day
To have fun in the sun is to roast
- - -
There's a tree where my dad parked his car
Where the grass laid beneath if was tar
Gave no shade and grew old
The wind blew itself cold
Wore no leaves on its branches so far
- - -
There's a boy who walked 'round in pyjamas
Over coffee brought laughter upon us
And he rocked like a clock
From Redhill to Bedok
Ice-cream hat fudge and nuts and bananas
- - -
There's a lady who wore her kurong
That her daughter had bought in Jurong
For a buck she would dance
If you gave her a chance
In a room in Geylang, some Lorong
- - -
There's a river an island out-sprung
For a wish, on its banks, silver flung
And it answered with joy
Took a toss for a toy
In Malay, some still call it 'longkang'
- - -
There's a house my Bapak bought and sold
To take care of it, he grew too old
And, besides, school was jail
And the mosques could not wail
Far from Bawean he found one too bold
- - -
When you from me are away
I'm blinded lost in the day
Confused and cold in the heart
Amok, I nervously dart
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076 - LULLABY by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 23 Feb 1998
To think of only myself
To notice you gaze down my neck
To pull the blanket of your hand
To hear the silence of your thoughts
To smell the scent of your breath
To finally close my mind
To know I am alive
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075 - DISPLACED by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 4 Jan 1998
And the wind blew South
And I am on my way
I search my mind for a glimpse of your hind
My heart blatantly shakes its cage
My ribs regimentally kick a-final-whistle-goal their blanket
Ripple to the forehead between my eyes
Each throb through heart,
through ribs,
through skin,
through to the tips of my hairline
A countless times in an iota of time
To the back of my head
To my neck
Where you are amiss
A lot
A little
Too much
Enough to scream my ears out
Not silently enough to not entrance the bewilderment of one I am next to
Unwittingly, unwillingly unable to ignore this entertainment
Because you are there
There you are
There are you
Here I am
* * * * *
074 - PANGSA PASUNG by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 4 Jan 1998
Kamar aku
Bumbung aku
Lantai aku
Tingkap aku
Ruang aku
Minda aku
* * * * *
073 - BIBIR by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 3 Jan 1998
Aku rindu
keringat kau
- - -
Aku rindu
kiri kau
- - -
Aku rindu
tengkok kau
- - -
Aku rindu
kuping kau
- - -
Aku rindu
hati kau
- - -
Aku rindu
khasiat kau
- - -
Aku rindu
kebulur kau
- - -
Aku rindu
rindu aku
- - -
- - -
- - -
* * * * *
072 - I KNOW by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 11 Nov 1997
To know me
Is to love me
But you know not if I love you
You know not if I miss you
And you know not if I need you
Or if I even care for you
You know not me
Love, you love not me
* * * * *
071 - TARI by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 22 Oct 1997
Permaisuri Tari Mati
Menari di riba aku
Menari lidah kau di dataran dada aku
Lembapi punting aku dengan selimut liur kau
Merangkak santai pasangan bibir kau
Cuit palang-palang otot-otot
Seret taring menggaris menuju dasar aku
Kucup mata satu aku yang tiada kelupak
(Yang disiat orang tua aku)
Dakap erat
Tunggang ligat
Minum zuriat
Hirup titisan nyawa
Hilangkan dahaga tenggorokan
Kenyangkan kebulur jiwa
Kau hamba aku
Kau hamba aku
Kau hamba aku
Kau hamba aku
Kau hamba aku
Kau hamba aku
Kau hamba aku
* * * * *
070 - FLAME OF THE FOREST by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 18 Oct 1997
I want to get high with you
I want to see the world as you do
and have the six-footers look up to me
as I look up to you
* * * * *
069 - KESATUAN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 9 Oct 1997, Singapore
Dalam dubur kau
nafas aku sesak
leher aku tegang
paha aku bergetar-getar
jemari kaki aku terkapai-kapai
- - -
Dengan setiap dorongan
tubuh aku disambar cinta kau
- - -
Dengan setiap tarikan
nyawa aku kau cabut dari bebulu roma
- - -
Di kemuncak kesatuan kita
aku terteriak sarat kebahagiaan
aku melalak kehibaan
- - -
Selayak mana cinta kita cinta yang diutama?
* * * * *
068 - NAKHODA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 5 Oct 1997
Di lautan mata kau
aku kerinduan
Di lautan tawa kau
aku kesunyian
Di lautan tangis kau
aku kesyukuran
Di lautan marah kau
aku penyesalan
Di lautan cinta kau
aku keesaan
* * * * *
ecaep eht gnibrutsid tuohtiW
sthguoht ythguan repsihw I od woH
- - -
esaeler fo yoj eht gnihsirehc tuohtiW
sesnes ym lla egrem I od woH
- - -
citnamor ylsselepoh gnidnuos tuohtiW
meop a ni uoy ebircsed I od woH
- - -
tih eno rebmun a gnitteg tuohtiW
nwo ruoy s'taht gnos a etirw I od woH
067 - 7991 peS 12, aisyalaM, rupmuL alauK, nyduR ahS eneG yb LAINED
* * * * *
066 - PUKUL TIGA PAGI by Gene Sha Rudyn, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 Sep 1997
Dingin cuaca
Dingin suasana
Dingin hati
* * * * *
065 - BOUGAINVILLEA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 Sep 1997
Wajah mu tidak merakamkan perasaan
Kulit mu pudar, pasrah
Dada mu tiada madu
Cengkaman mu berang berduri
Kau megah disinar mentari
Kau subur diludah hujan
- - -
Tinggalkan fikiran diganggu
Redakan taufan naluri
Lari dari diri
Biarkan aku
* * * * *
064 - MAWAR by Gene Sha Rudyn, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 Sep 1997
bibir mu
mata mu
berahi ku
* * * * *
063 - LILY OF THE VALLEY by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 24 Aug 1997
And the harvester went to work
- - -
A flower, wild, blooming
Another field, another plain
A harvester of pain
- - -
And he plucked
And she wept
And went to sleep
- - -
He woke, she died
He spoke, she cried
Evoked, he lied
- - -
She screamed silently
Clamouring endlessly
Whimpering helplessly
- - -
And the harvester went to work
- - -
Trembling hands
Carefully stands
Desperate plan
- - -
She already went to sleep
* * * * *
062 - AHAD by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 8 Aug 1997
Pagi indah ini sepi sekali
Kamar mandi aku terlalu dingin
Mata gigi sikat aku tajam
Kain pelikat aku kering
Senak, perut aku memberontak
Kopi aku panas, membakar genggaman
Manis susu menusuk anak tekak
Roti hangus
- - -
Kau tiada
- - -
Aku seorang diri
Kepergian kau aku balas dengan senyuman luka
Teman aku kerusi kosong
- - -
Kau tiada
- - -
Aku kesunyian
Di mana suara kau
Ke mana pandangan mata kau
Kulit apa bertemu bibir kau
Leher mana didodoi belaian lidah kau
Dada siapa meniduri dada kau
Jari siapa meronda selekor punggung kau
Paha mana yang membangku kau
Bajingan mana menghentak pintu syurga kau
Kumis siapa mengusap bulu kau
Yang mana
- - -
Kau tiada
- - -
Kau permaisuri rumah aku
Kau tangan kiri aku
Kau paha kanan aku
Kau degup jantung aku
- - -
Ampun, Tuhan ku
* * * * *
061 - GUPPIES IN DRAINS by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 23 July 1996
I think the dolphin swam
The boy, his boomerang
Start running, then, the man
Bionic echoes rang
Grass, green, as tall as me
The thing I kick, not see
A sky, high as a tree
A smack, sweet as honey
I miss the days of guppies in the drain
Back when our ways and nothing were the same
I need to tell you now
You have to tell me how
Our tiny hands could catch those guppies
Swimming in the open drains
Our school across the street
At five, boys and girls meet
Muezzin, the air, heat
Skin to skin, kompang beat
Bare hands, through earth, rooting
A joy never needing
All there for the asking
All there for the taking
I miss the days of guppies in the drain
Back when our ways and nothing were the same
I need to tell you now
You have to tell me how
Our tiny hands could catch those guppies
Swimming in the open drains
They could not stop the water
Full moons, blackouts surrender
Dry snakes on open wire
Those days and nights are never
I miss the days of guppies in the drain
Back when our ways and nothing were the same
I need to tell you now
You have to tell me how
Our tiny hands could catch those guppies
Swimming in the open drains
* * * * *
060 - (AIN'T GOT) THE BLUES by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 17 July 1997
I ain't got a car, I ain't got a bike
If you wanna ride, you gotta hitchhike
- - -
I ain't got the green, I ain't in the red
I ain't got the blues, just lyin' in bed
I ain't got the blues, just wastin' away
Ain't howlin' no news, ev'ry dog has his day
I ain't got no time, I ain't got the space
I ain't gonna run in the human race
I ain't got the blues, just wastin' away
Ain't howlin' no news, ev'ry dog has his day
* * * * *
059 - AFTERMATH by Gene Sha Rudyn, Bali, Indonesia, 19 June 1997
I am alone
I am not lonely
- - -
I am away
I am at home
- - -
I am silent
I am not at peace
- - -
I am yearning
I am not heart-broken
- - -
I am wishful
I am not wishing
- - -
I am hopeful
I am not dreaming
- - -
I am forgetful
I am not denying
- - -
I am fighting
I am not achieving
- - -
I am thinking
I am not doing
* * * * *
058 - FRANGIPANNI by Gene Sha Rudyn, Bali, Indonesia, 19 Jun 1997
Mengapa kau gugur
Ditebas mata panah angin
Diragut dari tangkai
Kau terlalu muda
Kau terlalu indah
Kekuningan di wajah mu masih segar
Keputihan suci mu belum ternoda
Keharuman mu masih menghayalkan
Sang lebah rindukan bertenggek di dakapan mu
Sang semut impikan merisik kelupak mu
Sang pohon perlukan sentuhan keindahan mu
Mengapa kau gugur
Aku belum bersedia
* * * * *
057 - BUNGA RAYA (Balada Putera Singapura) by Gene Sha Rudyn, Bali, Indonesia, 18 Jun 1997
Bunga Raya ku
Aku melamun
Stigma mu menusuk tembus stamen
Sampai di kemuncak, stamen dibubar teratur
Kelupak mu membelai jiwa
Urat-uratnya membeliakkan hati
Dari mana datang mu
Asal mu
Berapa banyak butir tanah terkorban untuk mu
Betapa ramai mikro-organisma
Dua kali ganda hidrogen dari oksigen
Dua kali lagi oksigen dari karbon
Berapa lama sengsara
Hingga pohon berputik
Bunga Raya ku
Dengan kewujudan mu
Kau layu
* * * * *
056 - HEADACHE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Bali, Indonesia, 17 June 1997
Not now.
I've got a headache
Not tonight.
I've got a headache
Not yet.
I've got a headache
Not again.
I've got a headache
No more.
I've got a headache
I've got a headache
Well, maybe, just a little.
I've got a headache
* * * * *
055 - THE CRUTCH AND THE CRIPPLE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Bali, Indonesia, 17June 1997
What about Bob
What about you
What about us (and I)
And babies, two
- - -
A soldier, wounded, limping
A dead branch, sturdy, standing
A crutch, inviting, waiting
A cripple, not deciding
- - -
A soldier kept on fighting
And dead branch kept supporting
And crutch was disappearing
And cripple walked, denying
- - -
The soldier said, "I want you"
The dead branch said, "I need you"
The crutch said, "None without you"
The cripple did not do
- - -
The soldier, himself, wounded
When dead branch, purpose, heeded
A crutch another needed
A cripple mutilated
- - -
A soldier, fighting, crying
A dead branch, celebrating
A crutch, inviting, seeking
A cripple, crippled, walking
- - -
What about Bob
What about you
What about us (and I)
And babies, two
* * * * *
054 - I FOR AYE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 2 Mar 1996
I'm so tired, but I won't sleep
Up, so fired, but I won't weep
If you choose to hold my hand
When I lose, you'll understand
Come unto me all ye that labour
I shall give you rest
If you could just return the favour
I for aye attest
I'm so old, but I can't die
I'm so cold, but I won't fly
If I choose to hold your fire
When I lose, you'll discover
Come unto me all ye that labour
I shall give you rest
If you could just return the favour
I for aye attest
I'm so small, but I can't grow
I'm so small, but I won't bow
If you choose to hold my wife
When I lose, you will survive
If you try to hold my wife
When I die, you will survive
Come unto me all ye that labour
I shall give you rest
If you could just return the favour
I for aye attest
* * * * *
053 - APPARI-VISION by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 2 Mar 1996
Turn off the light, Turn off the light, Turn off the light
- - -
And it isn't white
And it isn't bright
And it isn't right
But it isn't tight
- - -
Turn off the light
- - -
And it isn't night
And it isn't might
And it isn't fight
But it isn't flight
- - -
Turn off the light
- - -
And it isn't slight
But it isn't spite
And it doesn't bite
But it isn't sight
- - -
Turn off the light, Turn off the light, Turn off the light
* * * * *
052 - HARDY, SHERRY AND PAUL (Mahadi, Sharifah and Saiful) by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 26 Feb 1996
Hardy was the prettiest babe
For, mom and dad could ever crave
Like sun to earth, their hearts they gave
From where he'd go, him, could not save
- - -
And everyday they are asking
And everyday still pretending
To me, shed some light, turning
To Hardy, I just keep saying
I want to tell you I love you
And I know you love me, too
It's measured by the things we do
But that, I can't, even for you
Sherry was the sweetest babe
A man could turn into a slave
Was more than wished for, what she gave
Was home, five-room, twin-floor, her grave
- - -
And everyday she is paying
And everyday, for him, praying
That this hell would make worth living
From me. Us, I keep reminding
I want to tell you I love you
And I know you love me, too
It's measured by the things we do
But that, I can't, even for you
Paul was not even a babe
And he was not nobody's slave
To no one, him, nobody gave
Nothing to lose, nothing to save
- - -
And everyday, away, crying
And everyday, surely, dying
Slips, falls, bends over to keep standing
If I were, I won't be helping
I want to tell you I love you
And I know you love me, too
It's measured by the things we do
But that, I can't, even for you
* * * * *
051 - SO MUCH FOR ONE KISS by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 16 Dec 1995
I love you so much I could kill you
I miss you so much I could feel you
I'm wishing so much I could see you
Or I just want to die
Can I make you understand
Deep inside I'm just a man
Underneath all that disguise
You might find a big surprise
But I feel beside myself
Standing alone on the shelf
When all I want to do is this
Anything for just one kiss
I love you so much I could kill you
I miss you so much I could feel you
I'm wishing so much I could see you
Or I just want to die
Let me make it clear to you
There's just one thing I will do
The very thing I haven't done
Until I'm with my only one
When one and one come to the same
The two of us are playing the game
The thing I will do is this
Anything for just one kiss
I love you so much I could kill you
I miss you so much I could feel you
I'm wishing so much I could see you
Or I just want to die
When we get to do it all
As the night begins to fall
I will leave no strain unturned
With my body, your body, burned
Crawl every inch on my two lips
Sponge, with my tongue, your fingertips
Ev'rything to hear you say "Please,
Anything for just one kiss"
I love you so much I could kill you
I miss you so much I could feel you
I'm wishing so much I could see you
Or I just want to die
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * *
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
050 - I BEG YOUR PARDON by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 15 Dec 1995
Excuse me
Who are you calling a son of a bitch
You only met my mom the one time
It takes one to know one fine
- - -
Excuse me
Who are you calling an arsehole
Couldn't agree more that I'm full of shit
What comes out of your mouth is just as rich
- - -
Excuse me
Who are you telling to go to hell
Your life was just a bed of roses
And I was blind as someone supposes
- - -
Excuse me
Who are you telling to just fuck off
I can't recall who was on the scene
When you first learned what the F-word means
- - -
Excuse me
Who are you
- - -
Excuse me
What are you
- - -
Excuse me
Why are you …
- - -
Who am I talking to
* * * * *
049 - CRY by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 11 Dec 1995
Tell me why, so, I find
To speak truth, I honestly lie
Mother, I don't want to cry
- - -
Tell me why, to be alive
I gotta fight, I gotta try
Mother, I don't want to cry
- - -
Tell me why, raven, dove
I need to lose to prove I love
Mother, I don't want to cry
- - -
Tell me why, society ploys
Only the girls can love the boys
Mother, I don't want to cry
- - -
Tell me why, eyes turn green
When I have all the means
Mother, I don't want to cry
- - -
Tell me why the end is nigh
I have to live, only to die
Mother, I don't want to cry
- - -
Tell me why
Mother, I
Don't want to cry
* * * * *
048 - ONE-TWO-SIX by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 6 Dec 1995
Up at Cairnhill, I'm closer to God
Up at Cairnhill, we're a happier lot
Up at Cairnhill, your self you find
Up at Cairnhill, I can be mine
It's eight in the morning and I'm still dreaming
The birds are tweeting and the air is chilling
Up at Cairnhill, I'm closer to God
Up at Cairnhill, we're a happier lot
Up at Cairnhill, your self you find
Up at Cairnhill, I can be mine
Prata kosong from Newton, some Nescafe gayung
And I know for certain, as far as punctuality's concerned
Up at Cairnhill, I'm closer to God
Up at Cairnhill, we're a happier lot
Up at Cairnhill, your self you find
Up at Cairnhill, I can be mine
Three, four hours will be nice. Maybe go at it twice
Can't do it for too long, just in case we do it wrong
Up at Cairnhill, I'm closer to God
Up at Cairnhill, we're a happier lot
Up at Cairnhill, your self you find
Up at Cairnhill, I can be mine
Well, I guess, I'll see you, now that we're through
Come up with something new, something worthwhile to do
Up at Cairnhill, I'm closer to God
Up at Cairnhill, we're a happier lot
Up at Cairnhill, your self you find
Up at Cairnhill, I can be mine
Please tell me I am wrong
All of it seems so wrong
All of us can't be wrong
Up at Cairnhill, I'm closer to God
Up at Cairnhill, we're a happier lot
Up at Cairnhill, your self you find
Up at Cairnhill, I can be mine
* * * * *
047 - KYLEE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 4 Dec 1995
He knows what's good for me
Gave me an education free
Gave my friends another classroom
It happened much too soon
- - -
He has an adolescent plan
Two years, six months, in the can
When I come out, I stand
I was already a man
- - -
He allows me not to ask why
Not to laugh and not to cry
My-nute air-space not for free
Can anyone really hear me
- - -
He found a place to age
Finally gave me a stage
To meet my children's children
I don't want to be a burden
- - -
Pay And Pay
Please And Please
Pray And Pray
Perish And Perish
* * * * *
046 - LAGU UNTUK ANNE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 4 Sep 1995
Pada setiap langkah
Ada niat dan padah
Pada silap dan salah
Ada hikmat terserlah
- - -
Tiada penyelesaian dan ketetapan
Kau terpaksa meneruskan
Tanpa menghiraukan ketentuan
Diam berfikir dahulu
Jangan ikut perasaan mu
Memang darah muda begitu
Terlalu turutkan nafsu
Pagi hari bermula
Maghrib 'kan mengakhirnya
Bagi malam gelita
Fajar akan menjelma
- - -
Tiada penyelesaian dan ketetapan
Kau terpaksa meneruskan
Tanpa menghiraukan ketentuan
Diam berfikir dahulu
Jangan ikut perasaanmu
Memang darah muda begitu
Terlalu turutkan nafsu
Malam bersiang
Kegelapan, terang
Embun, udara, hujan
Mulut berlidah
Hati, suara
Memanah kata bukan-bukan
Wira berdara
Disuluh purnama
Menuju arah mana
Diam berfikir dahulu
Jangan ikut perasaanmu
Memang darah muda begitu
Terlalu turutkan nafsu
* * * * *
045 - RAINWATER by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 6 Aug 1995
* * * * *
044 - I by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 6 Aug 1995
I don't know
I am alone
I want nothing
I have nothing
I have no one
I am free
I am he
God is me
* * * * *
043 - EXECUTIVE GUTS by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 12 Jul 1995
I open my eyes with the sunrise.
Laboriously get out of bed.
My head I hose down to my toes.
My soul, some prayers said.
- - -
The hair, the face, no time to waste,
Dressed up, all but my feet,
Splash on cologne, intestines groan,
"Hey man, when do we eat?"
- - -
Rush off to work to please 'big jerk'.
For starters, "Good morning, sir!"
To wife and child, configured smile,
Homicidal fantasies stir.
- - -
Get down and dirty. On paper, pretty,
And when, with clients, meet.
Diplomatic dealing, intestines twisting,
"Hey man, when will we eat?"
- - -
Proposition bore. That client must score
An I.Q. below her hemline.
Plan 'B', she likes. Modestly, he strikes
Up the band, saying, his what's mine.
- - -
In my heart, I say, this is the day
I stop dancing to his beat.
If my mind could speak, intestines shriek,
"Hey man, when can we eat?"
* * * * *
042 - COFFEE CUP by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 9 Jul 1995
When I saw your face this morning
I was drying upside down
Stared in your face ignored me
Your head still spinning 'round
Picked me up with your right hand
Filled me to the brim
Stirred me up with healthy helping
Of powder, sugar and cream
Take me up the stairs to your room
Take me into hell
Take my insides out into you
To your wishing well
I'll take you
To your wishing well
Did mama's boy up and leave you
For the very last time
Did he say "I love you."
When you said "Are you mine?"
Did you, then, feel you really want to
Give him what only you can
He had to go to be back for you
And you thought "What a man!"
Take me up the stairs to your room
Take me into hell
Take my insides out into you
To your wishing well
I'll take you
To your wishing well
* * * * *
041 - NON-SENSE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 30 Jun 1995
at me
when I speak
you may hear each word
and still not understand
with an open mind
the piercing silence shrieks
a blinding light in darkness
the darkness
feel the silence
wallow in the fear
permeate the yet-unknown
it out
the hidden nest
a treasure chest
awaiting, avoiding, amocking
fanfare in celebration
ignorant in arrogance
loss, lost, and still losing
* * * * *
040 - THE HUNGER by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 24 May 1995
Feed me
To the sharks
Let me swim in the dark
Without you, naked, stark
- - -
Feed me
To the whales
Water-sheltered from the gale
I will, their wombs, impale
- - -
Feed me
To the dogs
Man-trained tame wild hogs
In eleventh-hour-frenzy smog
- - -
Feed me
To the trees
Be my last breath a breeze
Only, will you, then, feed me free
* * * * *
039 - DO YOU LOVE ME by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 20 Apr 1995
Do you love me, Do you love me, Do you love, too
Do you know who I am
Do you even give a damn
I can't tell you, no one can
Did you get that dress at Tang's?
Do you love me, Do you love me, Do you love me, too
Do you know what I can do
If I had a minute or two
If you would, I will show you
But, you always show up late
Do you love me, Do you love me, Do you love me, too
Do you know where I come from
Where a nigger's Uncle Tom
Around a black bonfire keep warm
You're no nigger, I'm only me
Do you love me, Do you love me, Do you love me, too
Do you know what I would give
If you didn't have to live
On what, from mother, you receive
I didn't, couldn't know mine
And I love you
I really love you
More than my song, I love you, but
Do you love me, Do you love me, Do you love me, too
* * * * *
038 - WHO by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 17 Apr 1995
I used to have a life
I used to have a wife
I used to have a daughter, maybe two
I still remember fondly
But, was that man me, really
I don't know, I do remember you
Mister, can you spare twenty cents? I really need the loo.
Life is hard on Orchard Road for us both, me and you.
- - -
No? Well, a dollar is fine. I'll change at the door.
Not nice, a man my age messing up the marble floor.
- - -
Miss, you have a dollar, too? I lost my wallet somewhere.
Thank you. Dinner later and lunch tomorrow. You won't be there.
I used to have a life
I used to have a wife
I used to have a daughter, maybe two
I still remember fondly
But, was that man me, really
I don't know, I do remember you
We met at Geylang Serai, Block Three, void deck coffee shop.
That night, you gave me ten dollars. I wasn't asleep at that bus stop.
- - -
At Chinatown, I saw you again behind O.G., near People's Park.
Rain soaked the cardboards and I that night. It was cold and dark.
- - -
I walked here from Serangoon. Not far for the warm underpass.
I'll phone home. What's the number? I'll tell them we met again, at last.
I used to have a life
I used to have a wife
I used to have a daughter, maybe two
I still remember fondly
But, was that man me, really
I don't know, I do remember you
* * * * *
037 - I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOUR PARENTS by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 18 Mar 1995
I don't want to marry you parents
Though we both know I've got the talent
I don't want to have to break free
They don't want to have to have me
So I don't want to marry your parents
- - -
And the day I arrived, met your brother's wife
Their delight, future flight, I could stay
Then my hair grew long, all I did was wrong
They're too big to see things my way
- - -
And I had a haircut, they stared hard, stared long, but
Could not see beyond what was on
I believe by the time they put reason to rhyme
Our sin-love be, but, long dead and gone
- - -
You remember the ring meant for our wedding
Their surprise reaction was plain
Throw it all away, you don't need it, no way
With two wheels, handle, pedal and chain
- - -
Do I honestly love you, do I ever show you
Soul, heart and mind, how'd they know
They persistently insist, I consistently resist
Where our life takes us, they can't go
- - -
Was it something I said, or something I read
Made your daddy a different man
Your mommy agreed, what I've got, you don't need
Even if I give all I can
- - -
Their ultimatum today read there's only one way
That, between you and I, it would be
I can never hit you, I can never leave you
It didn't say I need them with me
- - -
I don't want to marry your parents
Though we both know I've got the talent
I don't want to have to break free
They don't want to have to have me
So I don't want to marry your parents
* * * * *
036 - THE REASON by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 10 Mar 1995
He was an old man who lived on the hill
I met him on my way down
Though he was resting, his hands weren't still
Feeding his anger, suppressing, he frowns
"Do you know who? Do you try to?
Young man, now, don't you cry.
It's been that way. Thus will it stay.
And you are the reason why."
"Is there hope for better than there is today?"
He looked at me and smiled
"Is there, out there, unbeknownst, a better way?"
Relieved, he paused a long while
Do you know who? Do you try to?
Young man, now, don't you cry.
It's been that way. Thus will it stay.
And you are the reason why."
"What twisted plan brought this place to me?"
He turned, then, a real smile
"What secrets you have would you not let out free?"
Relieved, paused a long, long while
"Do you know who? Do you try to?
Young man, now, don't you cry.
It's been that way. Thus will it stay.
And you are the reason why."
"Why do people with nothing to say speak when
My friends' tongues cannot make a sound?
Why do people with no where to go peak when
Me friends' feet never leave the ground."
"Do you know who? Do you try to?
Young man, now, don't you cry.
It's been that way. Thus will it stay.
And you are the reason why."
He stood up, tremblingly, tentatively reached to edge
I followed, hair raised on pores
Pointed out below at the spread sky-scraped stage
He left as he said "Yours."
Then I knew who, I will try to
A man, I do not cry
It's been that way, thus will it stay
And I am the reason why
* * * * *
035 - COMMON MAN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 7 Mar 1995
You dropped out, I scored straight 'A's
You straightened up, I just want to play
You settled down, I don't need to get laid
In God you trust, how I pray
I guess you don't smoke what I smoke
I rev it up, you have a stroke
I'm spent, you refuse to go broke
And you say my life is a joke
Why can't you see how I see? Why can't you let me live free?
Why don't you just let me be? I just got to be me!
You duck so I can take the blow
I only eat the things that you throw
You sail away, I go against the flow
Look, up in the sky, you can from below
We live on the same big blue ball
We take a trip, how we both fall
Born to ride, we first learned to crawl
Let's now, both, stand tall
Why can't you see how I see? Why can't you let me live free?
Why don't you just let me be? I just got to be me!
- - -
Take me for what I am. I'll give you all I can.
No more, no less, your man. You need me as me. Then?
I say 'hello', you say 'why'
I say 'good-bye', you say 'die'
I say 'stand up', you say 'cry'
I say, that how you fly?
I do a lot, you do not
I can't recall, you forgot
I'd like to afford, you just bought
And what have I got
Why can't you see how I see? Why can't you just let me live free?
Why don't you just let me be? I just got to be me!
* * * * *
034 - ALWAYS WRONG by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 28 Feb 1995
*Handy said "No eye for eye". Hendry* said "I kiss the sky".
Lenny* said "I wanna hold thy …". Did you hear? Neither did I.
They told Ah Ter," Here have two,
If you know what's good for you."
So he did. "Now, Siau Ter, Junior, you
Keep two jobs just to pull us through."
They told Mary," Go away.
Don't come back another day."
But, Mary, A-mat with might play.
So, that way they let her stay.
I don't know if you'll hear my song. I don't know if I'll still be strong.
I don't know why we're always wrong. But, I know we belong.
They told Raja," You're too tuff!"
But, the money's not enough.
"Here, have a drop more, have a cuff."
Just to have a, slow ride, rough.
They told Johnny, "This is life.
House, car, money, monkey wife."
Tone deaf to the piper's fife.
I don't know if you'll hear my song. I don't know if I'll still be strong.
I don't know why we're always wrong. But, I know we belong.
They told Yours Truly, "Just get your 'A'.
Then you can 'B' what we say."
My life - sculpture out of clay.
Nice to look at, if broken, pay.
They told Yours Truly, "Do as we do
When we choose one for all of you."
For what there was, I choose not to.
Faithfully, I'm fined, and I thank you.
I don't know if you'll hear my song. I don't know if I'll still be strong.
I don't know why we're always wrong. But, I know we belong.
* * * * *
033 - FAR CAR MARY CAR by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 31 Jan 1995
farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar
Don't tell me how to deal with father
He slaps my wrist for shouting at mother
While you are having tea with father
Your son is out deboning another
farcar farcarmarycar farcar faracrmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar
Don't tell me I could be better
You fuck with me, I'll fuck your mother
Your sister, too, and when I do her
I'll let the whole world know we're brothers
farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar
Don't tell me brother is brother, not
When you find out he confessed to your God
He fought for me, now we fight a lot
We keep our fights to our own black lot
farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar
Don't tell me the sun's too hot
You made me do what you could not
In God's back lot, we're just a spot
In a big bang, gone, he'll miss us, not
farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar
Don't tell me my wife is course
I didn't see who's doing yours
She sweats, she smells, her sinus snores
She's no songbird and she's not yours
farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar
Don't tell me to sharpen my claws
All us neighbours keep open doors
You keep on saying we all have flaws
Concertedly, we say "Up yours!"
farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar farcar farcarmarycar
* * * * *
032 - ME AND MY WOMAN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1994
It wasn't long ago I got my first guitar
Didn't know where I'd go, I didn't know how far
Set off on that road, went down and round the town
In times so bad I swore that nothing would tie me to the ground
It wasn't long ago things started going wrong
Being at Number One was where I don't belong
Things I'd have died for had put the chains on me
Even if it meant my life, I swear I'd still be free
You were always there for me
I will always try to be
The one that you
Can always come crying to
And love
I know I'm no God, I know I make mistakes
But, I'm never giving up, no matter what it takes
With your faith in me, I'll take it in my stride
Until we're riding way up high, it's me and my woman
* * * * *
031 - MELAYU by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1992
Kata Tuah, "Tak Melayu hilang di dunia." Apakah benar?
Sampai bila akan kita terus berserah pada pujangga?
Tiada usaha.
Tiada jaya.
Tiada cuba.
Hanya masa mengulasnya
"Genggam bara api hingga menjadi arang," itulah azam.
Hati cekal, kail sejengkal terus membaham lautan dalam.
Tiada gentar.
Tapi pintar.
Tiada ketar.
Hanya sabar berikhtiar.
Mestikah Melayu melayu?
Perlukah Melayu merayu?
Mengapa Melayu terpaku
Dan hanya meminta dibantu?
Semat di hati semangat berdikari.
"Oh, ku berdikari!"
* * * * *
030 - IF I COULD FIND A WAY by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1991
I can't understand
Why things seem to always end
At just about the time
They feel so right
You don't really know
How far my heart would go
To be by your side
Holding you tight
If I could find a way
To make you stay
Forever close to me
I would be there
- - -
And I will be loving you
I'll always do
If I could find a way
To make you stay
There'll be no moon tonight
And the stars won't be shining bright
No loving warm embrace
As you turn away
* * * * *
029 - NAK CAKAP APA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1990
Pagi-pagi pergi ke kedai kopi
Beli makan untuk anak dan isteri
Satu pagi bersembang, tak kering gusi
Sampai rumah, lepak satu hari
Tidur diam, tapi tak lena
Hati risau, bilalah nak kerja
Makan, minum, rumah tak terjaga
Duit tak'da, nak cakap apa
Sini, sana pergi mencari kerja
Itu berat, yang ini masa tak kena
Cukup bulan, orang lain berbelanja
Tapi abang (hmh!) terpinga-pinga
Dapat kerja, gajinya tak seberapa
Sekadar makan cukup sentiasa
Sihat kerja, sakit pun terima
Duit tak'da, nak cakap apa
Tapi abang punya cita-cita tinggi
Ingin hantar anak ke universiti
Juga belikan isteri yang serba-serbi
Cukupkan syarat-syarat sebelum pergi
Tapi dapatnya tak tahu bila
Kerja mana, keluarga ke mana
Cita-cita tinggal hanya cita-cita
Duit tak'da, nak cakap apa
* * * * *
028 - SUATU MALAM (a.k.a. HAKISAN MARUAH) by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1990
Ku dengar sorak anak muda
Dalam kebingitan suasana
Minum, ketawa dan berpesta
Tak kira usia atau jantina
Ku dengar jeritan anak dara
Dalam kehangatan satu fantasia
Terperkosa jiwa dan juga maruah
Tanpa percikan air mata
Dalam keasyikan, saling menghiburkan
Dalam kealpaan keciciran
Ku dengar nyanyian ibu tua
Dalam kegilaan temasya dunia
Mengorak langkah bagi anaknya
Berdestinasikan api neraka
Dalam kecanduan, tiada batasan
Dalam angan-angan kehancuran
* * * * *
027 - AN ORCHESTRA SYMPHONY by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1989
There's a place I knew, and you might, too,
Around the corner at Empress Place
Where the kids are bold, the women, cold,
And the men, no man would face.
They get to meet a few times a week
In the little Victorian room
And there they'd play all night, all day,
Under the master's Wand of Doom.
When the screechings start, it's not real hard
To see how things are done,
For the master frowns at all the sounds
Of the people having fun.
But when they're through, no sooner, too,
There is silence in the dome,
For they take heed with lightning speed
When it comes to going home
Quick - settle down; Slow - getting around;
Quick - pack up and go off early.
This is the strife in their daily life -
An Orchestra Symphony.
* * * * *
026 - PERCUSSION by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1989
"So full of physical improvisation,"
Thought pani of the instruments Percussion.
The big Bass Drum rolls, breaking the still.
And the cheerful sounds of the Glocken, spiel.
Then, marching in smartly on the Side,
Two sticks together, stride per stride.
The Xylo phones home at the back.
Mum says, "Tri, an, gle, don't leave the pack."
Finally, the leader, bigger than many,
Says, "No one messes with my Tim, pani!"
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * *
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
025 - A BREEZE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
I am but a breeze
That changes the course of falling leaves
But never puts them back on the trees
A chill on a blazing hot summer's day
A reminder of winter, two seasons away
Inspiration to the poet, if for me he should weep
A whisper saying he may now lay to sleep
I am but a breeze
Changing the course of falling leaves
Unable to put them back on the trees
* * * * *
024 - INFATUATION by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
There lived a girl so sweet you'll see
My yearn for her was meant to be.
So cool and calm. Collected, too.
She moves like bait of Black Voodoo.
And hook, she hooked me. Yes she did.
My 'man' desires but she could feed.
But feed not she, for, as I neared,
She proved unready.
My 'lust' she feared.
How weird!
* * * * *
023 - SHA AND SUE AGAIN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
There once was a man named Sha
Whose heart had a love-laden scar
Which he got from the fact that he kept going back
To where he wished upon a star.
- - -
And there was this lady named Sue
Whose so soulful heart but once knew
What it was like to be broken-hearted. You see,
Her days going steady were through.
- - -
They met at the beach that one day
When she swept his sound mind away
From his song and his wine. But he acted a swine.
Demure. She had nothing to say.
- - -
Got hold of her number somehow.
Rang her up daily, then and now.
Till he grew hopelessly attached to this lady
Like calves to their sweet mother cow.
- - -
However, as fate would soon show,
He was just two blocks down the row
In the long line of men clamouring for her hand.
His desires she may never know.
- - -
So, here is that fool still in yearn,
Who still is awaiting his turn,
Who has put down this rhyme proving yet one more time
The facts of love he has to learn.
* * * * *
022 - SESIA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
Mengapakah keindahan gubahan warna
Dan keharuman jambangan punah-ranah dimamah kehausan masa
Kata mutiara tertera tiada terbaca
Dan tersiul merdu nada namun tiada pernah tersuara lagunya
Mengapa bina istana di awan, awanan
Yang kelabu tentunya menitiskan hujan
Begitu pantas berlari
Tanpa haluan bagai berdiri
Apa terlintas di hati
Ke mana kini harus kau kembali
Mengapa bina istana di awan, awanan
Yang kelabu tentunya menitiskan hujan
Semakin hari berlalu makin singkat perjalanan waktu
Kelana letih mengayuh niat beristirihat
Lantas hanyut perahu
* * * * *
021 - BOSAN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
Bagai ombak berdansa beralunan
Melanda ilham ciptaan
Riang hati ku, rasa kepuasan yang menyegarkan
Terketar jemari mencatatkan
Isi hati di fikiran
Hanya maksud ku memberitahu
Ku berkeringat bila melihat dunia
Entah mengapa, tiap kali ku cuba
Bagai hujan menitis di daun keladi
Manusia asyik berlumba-lumba
Hanya menerima, tidak memahami
Bosan, apa tiada kesan
Segala yang ku usahakan
Biar begitu, niat suci ku
'kan ku teruskan demi kepentingan kemanusiaan
* * * * *
020 - SAY THAT YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY WOMAN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
Say that you will always be my woman
I will faithfully forever be your man
I remember, girl, the way it was before
Giving it all I've got, but they always want much more
They didn't see what they were doing to me
For the love of God, this lonely heart ain't for free
Say that you will always be my woman
I will faithfully forever be your man
Well, it's over now, those crazy days are gone
'though some things I lost, the loss I don't mourn
'cos I have you now, I'm hoping this would be
Be the light that shines forever on me
All you've got to do is give me all of your love
'cos too much of you ain't never enough
Say that you will always be my woman
I will faithfully forever be your man
When I look ahead, there's so much I want to know
But I've just got to wait because the truth would soon show
If my heart is ready, it's grown stronger now
For another heartbreak and mend itself somehow
* * * * *
019 - GUARDIAN ANGEL by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
When I am feeling down and out
She looks me up and checks me out
When I am feeling low and blue
She teases, jokes, laughs with me, too
When I'm slow, like I've sometimes been
She turns me to a mean machine
But when I'm feeling high and proud
I lose her somewhere in the crowd
When I do feel not half a man
She says I move like no one can
When I do wrong and get all blame
She says I'm human, that's no shame
When I drop out of life's fast lane
She puts me back on track again
But when I've finally got it made
My joy, her presence, somehow trade
When I am drowning in my tears
A crying man will hear no cheers
When I have failed an earthly task
It's how you fail, if fail you must
When I give up on my own dreams
The peaks but closer than it seems
But when I finally get up there
She is, I guess, around somewhere
* * * * *
018 - LIHATLAH, DENGARLAH (or BUTA, PEKAK, PINCANG) by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1988
Pabila aku terdengar kicauan unggas
Ingin hati ku bernyanyi bersama
Pabila ke dengar suara guruh di langit
Gementar tubuh ku yang lemah
Pabila jari ku sentuh embun di subuh yang dingin
Segar kiranya dedaun di rimba
Pabila aku terbangkit akan ku bayangkan semua
Namun dunia gelap gelita
Pabila aku tepanah sinar sang suria
Perit, ku rasa tiada berdaya
Pabila aku amati kuncup membunga
Harum, berduri, manis madunya
Pabila aku mendakap anak kecil menangis
Rasa bertuah tika belum ternoda
Pabila aku terbangkit akan ku bayangkan semua
Namun balada tiada irama
Haruskah dibinasakan ini keindahan
Yang tiada pernah menjadi tatapan
Haruskah aku abaikan jeritan, seruan
Dunia dalam kehancuran
Dapatkah aku carikan penawar kepincangan
Pekak dan buta hatinya insan
Mungkinkah yang ku harapkan hanya satu impian
Titis tangisan tinggal hanya tangisan
* * * * *
017 - RAINBOW by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1987
Sitting by the window
Tears start to fall again
Knowing we're only friends
Though we care much more
Now and forever
I want to be with you, my love
'cos I know this love is love
Like never before
You are the rainbow
That makes me go through the storm
Baby, don't leave me
Lay with me
In my arms
Dark nights, the moonlight
Sailors, the stormy seas
That's what you are to me
The cool summer breeze
You are the rainbow
That makes me go through the storm
Baby, don't leave me
Lay with me
In my arms
All that I ask for
Is someone to care for
And for you I'll give more
Than I'd ever take
You are the rainbow
That makes me go through the storm
Baby, Lay with me
In the warmth of my arms
* * * * *
016 - (DO IT) WITH YOU by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1987
Hey, look at me
I am the fool I never thought I would be
Say, can't you see
My deepest emotions wanting to be free
Should I trust my feelings this time
When it's done me wrong before
If I find I'm just waiting in line
Can I turn around and just walk out the door
Hey babe, look at you
Now, do you see the lady I see in you
Say hey, know it's true
When I lay my eyes upon you, all I see is blue
Can I trust my feelings this time
What with all the bitter lessons I've learned
And I'll find I'm just waiting in line
But guess I'll wait my turn
I want to walk the pier at night
Lay down in the cool moonlight
Wake up with the sunshine, bright
But, baby, baby, I want to do it with you
* * * * *
015 - NORA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1987
Jambangan mawar merah yang terhias di meja mengingatkan ku
Akan suatu ketika, beberapa tahun sudah, kita bertemu
Kau kembalikan, saying, keriangan yang hilang dari wajah ku
Dengan selembut gaya, sehalus budi bicara, mengharu
Terpukau aku, terpancar sinar wajah mu, gambar keikhlasan
Dari hati yang suci seputih putih salji bertaburan
Bagai kumbang ke bunga dan anak ke ibunya, ku ketagihan
Dikau membelai bunga cinta ku semai dengan kemesraan
O Nora
Hembus bayu bak suara mu
Lambai nyiur lambai rambut mu
Kau sentiasa di hati ku
O Nora
Hati ku menangis merayu
Batin ku rindu sentuhan mu
Kau nyawa ku
Lautan memisahkan hubungan dua insan, kau dan aku
Walau jauh begini, namun tetap dekat di hati selalu
Demi cinta ku ini, belerang ku renangi agar bertemu
Permata, mutiara, satu dalam sejuta, oh manis ku
* * * * *
014 - LOVERS by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1987
Where two souls pleach, let there be love
And let them fly as carefree doves
For love is a flower that wilt will not
And never blind, though lovers' sights short
When happiness sought confused with lust
Every step take with care they must
And guide them, please, for they cannot see
Any more than toddlers can count to three
But heart-deep love will always stay
To guide these birds each step of the way
Until one day, care for them no more
As the souls join hands at heaven's door
* * * * *
013 - THE PERFECT WOMAN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1987
For as long as the sun in the sky will shine
You will always be a one-of-a-kind
Who need not do with a stitch or two
For all is in its place in you
Of course, you have flaws here and there
But then again, why would I care
The one to catch my eye, you see
Is one who puts a smile on me
Who may not be the talk of the town
But always has both feet on the ground
Who will see me through my longest day
Even if I make just half the way
Then lift me when my spirits died
And, in the next half, pace my stride
If there were such a lady as you
This crazy world would split in two
But for the new hopes it can bring
There's nothing wrong with wishful thinking
* * * * *
012 - BUT,… by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1987
She is a woman of sophistication. He is just a crazy back-street punk.
She sometimes dines Italian. He only eats what she would call junk.
They met one night at the concert hall, although, it was not something they planned.
She had just had orchestra rehearsal. He was awaiting his rock & roll band.
- - -
He said, "Hey, pretty lady, why are you here at this time of day?"
She said, "I am waiting for my taxi. Why? Am I in your way?"
He said, "No! Of course, not. In fact, I am waiting for something, too.
I was wondering, maybe, in the meantime, I could have a drink with you.
(Those teasing, tasty lips, and starlit eyes, how could I miss?
Man, if looks could kill, I would not be around to talk about this.)"
- - -
He sat her at the bar. She wanted to, but did not say 'no' to that.
He could not resist the temptation to strike up a friendly chat.
- - -
Her mother wanted a lawyer so bad it just had to come true.
But her music is the one real happiness she knew.
He knew no 'mom' nor 'dad' because "they were never around, you see.
So, in everything I do, I know I am doing it for me."
"I never had much freedom. I always did as I was told.
Now, I have 'graduated', but I still need someone to hold."
"I never had nobody tell me how to run my life.
I have covered miles in search, but never heard the piper's fife."
"When I take to that old stage, I can call this life my own.
So sure of what I am doing, I could do it all alone."
"When the lights come up, emotions spill as the people hear my song.
I know then that I am not alone and the winding road is less long."
"I would give away my family to live a life of freedom like yours,
But if it were not for the music, I guess you would still be in remorse."
"I would give away my freedom to have a family like yours around me,
But without the music, your hopes would probably just that be."
- - -
They stared into each other's eyes, each wishing to be the other.
But they knew they could not yet handle it. "So," they thought, "why even bother?"
"I could show you the way to freedom, but, ultimately, I know
For such as you, one day, my sweet freedom will have to go."
She thanked him, but, the corner of her eyes, filled with tears, they seemed.
If he had not been looking so hard, he would have seen her smiling at him.
"We would make the very best of friends, but that is as far as it goes
Because we are singing the same song in different rhythms at different tempos.
- - -
Five hunks walked in. "Well, lookee here. If it ain't beauty and the beast.
You lucky son of a … Is she a new addition to your list?"
"Excuse me, I have to be going now. These here are the guys in the band."
And she said, "See you again." But he knew it really the end.
* * * * *
011 - GO FOR IT by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1986
There sure is truth in what they say
A good thing comes, then goes away
No, you can't ask for an encore
You've got but one chance and no more
So, think you twice that what you do
Might end up all the best for you
- - -
But, sometimes you just can't decide
Though in all things you did confide
You gather all your guts and brains
Free yourself of subconscious chains
Then, hell with it, let the bells ring
Set heart, set mind and here goes nothing
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010 - SHA AND SUE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1986
There once was a boy named Sha
Who dreamed of becoming a star.
He'd blow his trumpet like a cracked up old jet
'til the neighbours all flee in their car.
- - -
And there was this girl named Sue
Who'd work 'til there's nothing to do.
At her books she would stare. Fall asleep in her chair.
A machine could not fit in her shoe.
- - -
Well Sha met Sue at their school.
Of himself, crazy boy, made a fool.
He said, "Girl, you're so fine." She said, "I'm not your kind.
Please do not be the hind of the mule."
- - -
Now Sha doesn't know what to say.
Thinks he made his move on the wrong day.
It took him three nights and two heavy street fights
To forget how she brushed him away.
- - -
Sha thought as he sat on his chair,
"For nothing else more I could care.
Some day I'll be a man. Very proudly I'd stand.
But I only wish Sue would be there.
- - -
So, here is that crazy old fool
Who writes as he sits on his stool,
Who didn't have the guts to speak from his heart,
Who'll always be the hind of a mule.
* * * * *
009 - THANK YOU by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1986
A lonely mountain road it seems, my life has always been
For I've been branded 'Mr. Mistreated'. True love I've never seen.
But deep down in my shattered heart, Almighty God's instilled
The warmth of mother's caring hands and a good old stone-hard will.
And though felt loved I never have, to love I do have learned
And I do not take nor even ask until I give the things I yearned.
- - -
None in the world means more to me than the joy my trumpet brings.
Each time I take a breath and blow, I do believe it sings.
But though it brings much happiness, it's metal and cannot feel.
For all the joy it has given me, my tears are flowing, still.
- - -
You came into my life and showed me I was worth much more
Than the key to my own future I have hung on the present's door.
You made me feel loved and cared for by a heart that lies within.
I feel as though reborn, for I am now what I've never been.
And, most of all, you taught me I have no right to destroy
My life, my very self, for I am not a self-made toy.
For all my sweat and tears, though, I see nothing you have earned,
That a million words of thanks fall short for all my trash you've burned.
* * * * *
008 - I'M INFATUATED WITH YOU, CLASSMATE by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1986
Can't find the right words to say
Why the fuck I feel this way.
Cannot even understand
If this so proves I'm a man.
- - -
The way you talk, the way you smile
Drive the Maths notes off my file.
The way you walk and run and jump
Make my heart go rumph-a-dumph-dumph.
Your hair so silky, I just know
I've never seen any that was so.
Your legs, o God, o me, o my!
There be no better symmetry.
- - -
Is this, lady, is this it?
Or is this just another fits?
Love, I was told, made one feel good.
Drive one wild, never knew it could.
Can't sit, can't stand, can't even sleep.
Thoughts of you could make me weep.
- - -
Tell me, lady, is it wrong
If emotions were too strong?
Will this feeling go away?
Will things have to end that way?
If it'll go, it'll go. But why?
Truth might always make one cry.
- - -
But we must learn to accept
That pains of love are merely debt
That can be paid by giving time,
Like the unlingering taste of lime,
And, soon or late, come will our day
If in our hearts our love did stay.
* * * * *
007 - THE COOL FOOL by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1 Apr 1986
I was such a fool on Valentine's Day
To think that my girl would not run away
Elope with some dude, some guy who ain't cool
Let this be the day all call me 'the fool'
- - -
But the best things in life come to those who wait
So forever come never, if you can't late
For in this cold world of come first, served first
Only the coolest survive the worst-est
* * * * *
006 - NURUN NISA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1986
Nurun Nisa, kau permata
Bak mutiara jauh di dasar samudra
Berkilau dalam cahaya
Nurun Nisa, senyumannya
Oh, menggoda, memikat hati jejaka
Selalu teringat padanya
Nada suara
Tutur kata
Budi bahasa
Nurun Nisa, kaulah nyawa
Kau segalanya, hidup ku untuk mu sememata
Ku ikrar cinta setia
Nurun Nisa, Kau ku rayu
Hembus bayu membelai membawa rindu
Pesanan kasih dari ku
Nurun Nisa, pujaan ku
Ingin daku diri mu dekat selalu
Penawar hati nan pilu
Dalam seribu
Tak 'kan layu
Teratai ku
Nurun Nisa, oh, tanpa mu
Ku terharu bak lelayang hilang teraju
Kau dian dalam hidup ku
* * * * *
005 - HIGHWAY OF SIN by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1985
When the show gets to end
I go onstage again
Thinking how it had been
- - -
Then I'd walk through the rows
Take a look from below
How you feel, I don't know
- - -
So much time has flown
Since they last turned me on
All my heroes are gone
- - -
But to me, love is free
Lovers don't let things be
Given time, it won't flee
On the highway of sin
- - -
Looking back, well, I'll say
Never saw things this way
Never knew life so grey
- - -
Feels so cold, all alone
Though the crowds cheer me on
But do, your love, I own
- - -
Cleanse my sin, set me free
Please, please, don't let me be
Show your love, sing with me
On the highway of sin
* * * * *
004 - SOUNDS OF THE NIGHT by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1985
As I walk back home in the night
All alone without you by my side
I can almost hear the laughter of the devil
'Cos you went away
And all that creeps and crawls, and nobody else in sight
I kept going on my way
I wish I knew the price I had to pay
But the bitter memories of you lingered on my mind
Now I'm all alone
With all that creeps and crawls, but nobody else in sight
Sounds of the night
Calling you to your grave
There ain't no place for broken hearts
And there is no one in love who's safe
Sounds of the night
Tell you to keep away
You can't survive in this wide world
If you ain't strong, bold and brave
Now there's no more meaning in my life
Without you I never will survive
And I don't think I'd find a place for me to hold on
Lord, save my soul
And all that creeps and crawls, still nobody else in sight
I know I can't run away from the killing sounds of the night
* * * * *
003 - RIZA by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1985
Tiada belaian mu yang manja
Tiada kata-kata yang indah
Tiada kucupan mesra
Bayangan mu pun tiada
Hanyalah diri ku ditemani senja
Mengapa ku derita begini
Mengapa manusia tak berhati
Mengapa ku kau benci
Tinggalkan ku sendiri
Hanyalah diri ini senja temani
Kau permata
Di balik kaca ku teroka
Berseri bak mentari pagi
Ku dahaga cinta yang setia
Kini kau telah berubah hati
Kini kau inginkan ku kembali
Kini kau berjanji
Akan selalu di sisi
Hanyalah senja, daku dan dikau, hiasi
* * * * *
002 - AMNAH by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1984
Pertama kali ku lihat wajah mu
Senyuman mu memikat hati ku
Dari semenjak itu
Pada kali ke dua kita berjumpa
Ku terpegun, tak dapat berkata
Hati ku, oh, tak sabar
Ingin menyatakan
Hasrat hati untuk bercinta
Ku inginkan mu
Tiada kau tahu
Betapa pilu hati ku merindu
Kau ku cintai
Diri ku ini
Ingin kau selalu dekat di sisi
Kini ku tahu rahsia hati mu
Kau hanya ingin jadi teman ku
Namun akan ku tunggu
Hingga ke akhir hayat ku
Amnah, ku tetap cinta pada mu
* * * * *
001 - IMELDAWATI by Gene Sha Rudyn, Singapura, 1984
Dulu daku jauh kembara
Hidup ku penuh dengan derita
Ayah, ibu, teman, saudara
Tak ku kenal, tiada ku punya
Ku termenung seorang diri
Tiada tujuan hendak ku pergi
Oh Tuhan, terimalah rohani
Tak tertahan sengsara begini
Dikaulah menjadi teman
Pelita di perjalanan
Syukurlah ke hadrat Tuhan
Telah mempertemukan
Dan janganlah dikau pergi
Tinggalkan daku seorang diri
Ku tak ingin begitu lagi
Namun tiba saatnya jua
Bila kita harus berpisah
'Kan ku cuba membalut luka
Pemergian mu akan ku lupa
* * * * * * * * *
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